Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm back

It's been awhile since I've blogged here. I haven't gone without recording my insights, I just haven't been recording them on here. I'll admit, I stopped because I was worried what others might think - fearing some might view me as hypocritical or self-righteous. And you know what... SOME WILL!

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind” -Dr.Seuss

So I'm back. By blogging, I know my words might be read by another, hence I'm required to dig a little deeper to insure my thoughts are portrayed accurately, and possibly even beautifully. It's good for me. It's also therapeutic.

My conclusion: Don't restrain your gifts because you're worried what others might think. If there's greatness within you, (and there IS), then let it shine! This may come at the risk of upsetting friends, family and co-workers... but you've been given gifts for a reason. Have the courage to share them, and when you sense hesitation ask yourself: DOES A FLOWER REFUSE TO BLOOM!?

Follow the course of nature, God's plan, and allow yourself to bloom.