As soon as Jenny got home, she emptied her penny bank and counted out 17 pennies. After dinner, she did more than her share of chores and she went to the neighbor and asked if she could pick dandelions for ten cents. On her birthday, Grandma did give her another new dollar bill and at last she had enough money to buy the necklace.
Jenny had a very loving daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, he would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story. One night when he finished the story, he asked Jenny, "Do you love me?"
"Oh yes, Daddy. You know that I love you."
"Then give me your pearls."
"Oh, Daddy, not my pearls. But you can have Princess-- the white horse from my collection. The one with the pink tail. Remember, Daddy? The one you gave me. She's my favorite."
"That's okay, Honey. Daddy loves you. Good night." And he brushed her cheek with a kiss.
About a week later, after the story time, Jenny's daddy asked again, "Do you love me?"
"Daddy, you know I love you."
"Then give me your pearls."
"Oh Daddy, not my pearls. But you can have my babydoll. The brand new one I got for my birthday. She is so beautiful and you can have the yellow blanket that matches her sleeper."
"That's okay. Sleep well. God bless you, little one. Daddy loves you." And as always, he brushed her cheek with a gentle kiss.
A few nights later when her daddy came in, Jenny was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed Indian-style. As he came close, he noticed her chin was trembling and one silent tear rolled down her cheek. "What is it, Jenny? What's the matter?"
Jenny didn't say anything but lifted her little hand up to her daddy. And, when she opened it, there was her little pearl necklace. With a little quiver, she finally said, "Here, Daddy. It's for you."
With tears gathering in his own eyes, Jenny's kind daddy reached out with one hand to take the dime-store necklace, and with the other hand he reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet case with a strand of beautiful genuine pearls. He had had them all the time. He was just waiting for her to give up the dime-store stuff so he could give her genuine treasure.
Thanks for that story - I have never heard or read it before - the Lord truly has "precious pearls" for me - I need to learn that and learn that HIS way is the ONLY way - I need to give up my store bought pearls for things far greater than I could imagine.
Thank you again for sharing - you are wonderful!
And thank you for watching my girls yesterday - I really hope they were not too much trouble.
Nat, YOUR pearls are waiting....just WAIT on the Lord!! :)
That's a beautiful story! I love it. I hope its okay for me to share it with my children. It reminds me of a song... Return with the Pearl. Brave your way through the maze of that world. And you'll have my Honor. Return to my side and I'll clothe you in raiment of light, just like thy brother, heir to forever, if you remember - to get the pearl.
WOW I LOVE THOSE LYRICS CATHERINE! Strong. I've never heard that song - if you have it you'll have to email it to me. If not, no biggy.
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